Monday, April 14, 2014

LM3914 is a IC that senses analog voltage levels and drives 10 LEDs, providing a linear analog display. A single pin (namely pin 9) changes the display from a moving dot to a bar graph. 

Current drive to the LEDs is regulated and programmable, eliminating the need for resistors. This feature is one that allows operation of the whole system from less than 3V.

An example of LED bar is show below:


Bar mode: pin 9 connected to V+.
Dot mode: pin 9 connected to GND or left open.

Supply voltage ranges from 6.8 to 18V. 

Schematic and PCB designs (Including EAGLE files): 

LM3914 Schematic

LM3914 PCB

EAGLE Files: LM3914N

copyright: Blog owner

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